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Tuesday 28 December 2010

Day 1!

Okay so.. my names georgia pagett, i am currently 12 years old.. soon to be thirteen, finally... an excuse to be moody! even though mum said i still can't.. but who listens to their mums.. not me. ;) anyway... back to the REAL thing this blogspot things for.. dont know how to use it at the moment.. so im not even sure if anyones reading this.. but ohwell.. its sorta like an online diary really.. well at-least i think it is...! i seriously have not a clue what i do on here..but i will just carry on posting 'posts' everyday on how things are going...just in-case people ARE actaully reading this...:) My sister.. Maria, she's very ill :( shes got anorexia and bulmia and all of the other things you can think of...no..seriously:/ its pretty terrible..yeah...but ive learned to grin and bear it...after all, i have had this for pretty much all my life...Maria is currently in an eating disorder unit... shes so moody its actually unreal...but i suppose you would be if you were completeley scared of food, and had to eat it 7 times a day! its a big step... i understand fully! she said to me its like being thrown into a pit full of trantulas and you had to stay there all day! im not sure if its true... but only an anorexic would know that, and im pretty sure and proud that im not one!:) anyway stay-tuned  (if youre actaully reading this-i hope you are...leave comments or 'inbox me' if you can to let me know you're reading) too keep an update of my life...living with an anorexic.


Unknown said...

Hey there =D
Its Serené from Simplicity-is-Complicated. TWelcome to blogspot! And thanks for the follow!

Anorexia eh? I have to admit I don't know anything about it! I don't think I know someone suffering from anorexia in real life either. I guess I'm pretty biased here, but I guess personally, I don't think of anorexia as a huge problem (I mean, skinny people look great in clothes right?) but I guess thats because I don't understand anything about it yet...it must be hard not being able to eat food at all.

Anyways, you asked for general pointers? I actually haven't been on Blogger that long either :D Perhaps a little over a year, and I've also learned a lot from older bloggers when I first came. When I started, lots of older bloggers kept reminding me about simple things like spelling/language/grammar and stuff. Other than that, its also nice to do some advertising for yourself. Find other people who know/understands anorexia, and the Coffee Shop is a good place to get a discussion started. Of course, the best piece of advice I can give is to keep going and don't give up. It took my blog a year to finally pick up the pace, and I've seen many good bloggers who gave up halfway and left their blogs. You just have to keep writing, and the readers will come!

Thats about it for now. If you have any questions, send a message my way and I'll be glad to help!

Sadie-Rae said...

this sounds so sad, i watch so many programmes about anorexia and i seethe worry it causes people and the damage it does, can i just say i think your brilliant for being there for your sister! i really hope she gets better!

Robyn_Byrd said...

Hello Georgia.
I stumbled across your blog and I just wanted to say that I hope that your sister is doing well (I see that this entry was written quite some time ago), and I hope that you are doing well also. I've had an eating disorder for 7 years and it was worst when I was a teenager, and I know how tough it can be for the family. My brother went through hell watching me get sicker and sicker without being able to help, so I just wanted to send you my best wishes because I know how tough eating disorders are on the the rest of the family.
I dearly hope that your sister is doing well and that you yourself are happy and healthy.
Take care.
Robyn xxx